Today’s marketers have a lot of analytics tools, trend tools, and other monitoring tools to help them out making sense of the client’s data in front; actually, it is not unusual to have 10 applications tools to monitor one client account and its marketing results.
These tools are of course valuable, but having reports from all of them, and decoding them to the clients can be much of a hassle and bring confusion to the table. Especially if you have many client accounts and each one has approximately 10 track and analytics tools to report from.
A much better way for today’s modern Marketers is to leverage on Artificial Intelligence (AI).
But how is it possible?
And what is artificial intelligence?
Digital Marketing Institute describes AI as:
“Artificial intelligence (AI) is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence such as individual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, translation between languages.” and more specific: “It’s the cognitive processes that machines can use as a way to make key decisions based on key real-time inputs that are being had.”
In practical terms, it means relying on data-driven and assisted automation-driven choices for much better campaign results.
Additionally, AI can help marketers to recognize and predict the consumer’s behavior in the digital sales funnel, making decision impact thru the whole process of awareness, interest, consideration, intent, and finally consumer decision. All with the outcome of acquiring higher sales as well as achieving successful client satisfaction.
Due to AI, these steps give the marketers a much greater amount of control in the process of enabling faster decision making, doing the client’s marketing and sales efforts more accurately and effectively.
Founder of Lift AI, Don Simpson describes the impact on sales as: “Naturally, sales AI and marketing AI have presented lots of opportunities for growth. You can use sales AI right now in your organization to automate and augment much of the sales process, such as boosting lead volume, increasing closing rates, and analyzing sales performance. Similarly, marketing AI can assist you in scanning your online presence and identifying demand generation gaps within your overall marketing strategy, thus helping you reduce costs and increase conversions.”
This leads us to the marketer’s invaluable new insights, using AI Management tool for handling the client’s sales and marketing efforts, by AI in digital marketing.
In many ways, it is like hiring a team of digital marketing experts and data analysts. Telling you what actions you should make and how you should prioritize to level up. Because it is all about gaining that competitive advantage.
AI in digital marketing
Has the advantage of collecting and analyzing all relevant data at a fast speed and giving the marketer access immediately to respond in a quick way. It makes use of algorithms to analyze everything and tells you exactly what needs to be done.
That way it is clear how your marketing activities, like campaigns, are performing, assisted by AI recommendations to improve profitability.
Most important is that it provides the insights of the campaign into how it is performing across all the platform channels, sales funnels, budget forecasting and successfully targeting goals for your business. This allows us to improve our marketing efforts and adjust if necessary.
When AI is built into the marketing system or a platform, it helps to keep track of organic rankings related to the websites, as well as data from paid ADS, making it easy to get the most out of the synergies. AI helps gain domination to the search engine. Furthermore, the marketer will be available to boost and brand clients’ presence through paid and organic campaigns.
Co-Author of sales Ex Machina, Victor Antonio talks about the impact of algorithm usage:
“If you’ve shopped on Amazon, your decision about what to buy was also influenced by AI (via an association algorithm). If you’ve ever ordered an Uber, AI (a location algorithm) was used to have a car in your vicinity quickly. If you ever had a thought about a product or a vacation, and it seemed to suddenly pop up on your search page or in your email inbox, I can assure you it was based on AI (a classification algorithm) monitoring your online activity.
AI is in our everyday life!
it’s not hype. Our daily life consists of things like smartphones and other devices. It’s a beneficial advantage that is common in industries like the financial sector, medical, customer services, transport, and telecommunications.

AI is kind of into our daily work. It comes with technologies like computer vision, machine learning, robotics, and speech recognition.
What is the benefit of all this?
- We can make faster decisions at speed and respond to the data in a quicker way. That is a huge advantage in today’s competitive industry.
- It benefit us with lower costs because it acquires less decision inputs from us, and therefore less error problem to be fixed manually.
- You also gain much better job allocation in the organization. It means less manual tasks, mainly focusing on developing the Human Resources on spot, and letting computers do all the rest.
- You can upscale your organization in a more modern way. Focusing on gaining competitive advantage.
In the future
Artificial intelligence will have a huge impact on the way we communicate, work, and learn, and is described as the technological singularity, where advances in medicine and biology will evolve our development and human beings will adapt and blend in with machine learning robotics.
Whats the importance of Machine learning?
Our society and the market in different Industrial sectors are undergoing a digital transformation. In some ways that transformation can be very slow and in other ways very fast. It’s common that most companies are aware of the importance of digital technology in the transformation process, but still few are equally prepared to take advantage of the whole AI ecosystem due to digital hesitation.
In April 2021 PRNewswire stated: “The rise of AI and machine learning is causing changes in marketing. Traditionally, consumers purchase the brands that they remember and prefer. Now they can ask the devices to purchase specific brands – the brands they remember and prefer as usual, but also can ask the devices to compare and make suggestions. The devices will compare data like quality, price, and value to make data-driven decisions. All of this means more competition. Machine learning will help AI assistants shape a consumer’s preferences, so these devices will become even more discerning when choosing products.”
There is no doubt that AI will assist marketers. In some areas it will take over with the automation process, bringing back exciting and profitable changes for those with a big vision.
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